Copper Woman

Copper Woman In The Land That Glows

Oil Painting with Earth Pigments, Copper, Imitation Gold and Egg Shell On Frayed Irish Linen (38" x 62")

The piece depicts the artists entrance into the desert valley and taking off shoes make of fake gold to reveal inside pure copper; a metal which conducts electricity efficiently, weather storms and endures. Her foot and handprints left behind reveal the copper she was always made of her fortitude. Her first steps into the wild she walks as animal free to be submersed in nature and reveal all that she is. Fragments of paper similar to the fragments of paper left behind from wagon trails that crossed this very same valley, words of hope to a new life and words of the life she left behind. You can read the poetry here

The Land That Glows



And Man raised himself above the Animal world
Walked on two feet and converted the soil
So Woman and Nature walked on all fours
Alone and forsaken from the Human world



As she walks upon desert sands
She senses new freedoms within her hands
Golden glows where no rivers flow
She walks the desert
And feels it within her Soul



Resurrected from her burial below
Copper Woman is finally on show
The wind and the rain
Did bathe her body
Given new colors to don her flesh



What is reality and what are dreams?
They ebb and flow and become one stream



And the Sun beat down to burn her flesh
Whispered she was alive
When she was convinced she was dead



The night time came to bring the day
Of far away places many distances away
She created her wings and flew away
Landed in dreams now not far away
The earth it took her to the skies
The wind bathed hot
And gently closed her eyes
Now she breathed
A contented and spiritual sigh



Take away our covering
And walk with naked feet
smell and touch the burning heat
This is life in the Valley they named Death
Where dreams long dreamt
Are safely kept
Held within its arid flesh



She went to the mountains
And touched their heat
She went to confess
Her final defeat
They told her
It was not so
It was all her path
To lead her to glow



She touches the ground with her bare souls
And knows she must walk in this land that glows
Gone are her golden attires made of fake
She walks with nature
And is free to take



On all fours she growled as a dog
She became animal and fought through the fog
She came upon a land of dreams
And walked with nature
Her life without silent screams



All that glitters is not gold
They are forsaken fortunes
That contain no gold



Walking with nature all around
History of the earth within her hands
Gifts freely given
Wisdoms surely told
She understands nothing,
In this land of gold



All that is buried
You know it isn’t all really dead
All that beauty locked away
Needing nothing but natures decay
To bring it all out into the light of day
